History of Southsea Town Council

This information has been provided from public domain sources courtesy of Archive.org

Council Aims

To provide the residents in Southsea with a voice to ensure its special identity is recognised and work in partnership with other organisations to seek appropriate development, protection and conservation, accessible services and the provision of a sustainable, safe and clean environment.


a) The provision of an accessible office open weekdays 9:30am-4: 30pm which:
- Enables local residents to visit to express their views on the area
- Seeks to help residents with their concerns on services in the area by seeking to resolve the problem with other agencies
- Hosts surgeries by the Citizen Advice Bureau, Pensions Service and the Police
- Provides a computer for residents and visitors to gain free internet access
- Provides rooms for hire
- Provides a photocopying service
- Provides up to date planning application details
- Provides exhibitions and sales of arts and crafts
- Provides local information
b) Is a statutory consultee on local planning applications
c) Provides a democratic structure of Committees and Council meetings to seek to improve services in the area
d) Provides grant aid for local community groups
e) Provides project funding to improve services
f) Provides opportunities for residents to question Councillors on the functions of the Town Council at their monthly meetings
g) Has 15 Councillors to respond to residents in local wards

There are already a list of activities which are being progressed and these include the following:
- Provision of Southsea Quarterly
- Provision of information to residents where major changes are proposed
- Promoting greater use of the Council’s accommodation
- Continue the work of the HERS scheme
- Provision of more litter bins in shopping areas
- Repainting of seats in Central Southsea
- Feasibility of maintenance of War Memorials
- The lowering of electricity boxes on the common
- The extension of Arts and Crafts displays in the Council’s office
- Southsea in Bloom
- Improved planting of Museum Road Roundabout
- Parking scratch cards to be available from the office
- Removal of Graffiti
New areas of activity/investigation could include:

- Discuss with PCC the potential areas and implications of service devolvement and improved partnership arrangements
- Blue Flag status
- Maintenance of Southsea Castle
- Contribute to D Day celebrations
- Involvement with Thomas Ellis Owen 200th Anniversary Events
- Better marketing and promotion of the Council’s services and Councillors
- Promote and support funding of the King’s Theatre
- Litter Warden
- Prom concerts at Castle Fields
- A vision for the future of Cumberland House
- Improving the Esplanade
- Maintenance of Highland Road Cemetery
- A tourism leaflet for Southsea
- A bylaw on roller skating/blading/cycling in the precinct
- Working with young people